Special Event – 3 Sheets (SUDs Ski Club)

3 Sheets 20-30 people $1,200 curling fee ($300 deposit paid, $900 remaining) John Spitkovsky SUD’s Ski & Social Club (708) 579-3316 Phone John was at a group event in April.   […]

Special Event – 2 Sheets (Cox Auto)

11 ppl$75/person for curling + $30/person for Food = $105/person x 12 = $1,260$500 deposit paid 6/7Party TabPortillos Ordered (6/26), will arrive 5:30-5:45: Italian Beef, Pasta, SaladPatrick [email protected]

Special Event – 2 Sheets (Bachelor Party)

8-14ppl TBD Booking for 2 Sheets ($1,000) but possibly going down to 1 Sheet ($600).  I told him max of 10 on 1 sheet $300 deposit paid 6/18 Low key Bachelor Party.  Twin Peaks before and they'll leave right after. Will let me know exact numbers a week before.  Ferdie Nazal [email protected] (C): 847-769-1482