RESCHEDULED: Special Event – 1 Sheet (Nvenia)
1 Sheet $800 ($500 paid, $300 due day of) 9-10ppl Will bring snacks Ben Snyder 708-724-2117
1 Sheet $800 ($500 paid, $300 due day of) 9-10ppl Will bring snacks Ben Snyder 708-724-2117
Party of 8 is included... Donahue. it is Brian's birthday. Parents will drop off the group of 8, might sta and then return with a cake. Mom (Eileen) did a […]
Confirmed via phone 1/11. 29 x $30 = $870 due day of Reduced rate options... looking at $30/person for ~1 hr plus facility for pizza after. Will ask club to "volunteer" for this as community building. Gerald Green 815.814.2503 Troop and Crew 140 (Scouts) & parents 23 ppl as of right now. Payment due day […]